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FestiFall, 2023. Credit: Anthony Chen/Ethography

Tabling in White Plaza

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Stanford supports the peaceful expression of free speech on White Plaza by groups representing a variety of viewpoints and perspectives. These tabling guidelines, aligned with the university's time, place, and manner rules, were developed to ensure equitable access, safety, and coordination with scheduled events and activities in White Plaza.

Here you can learn more about tabling within White Plaza through our frequently asked questions. Additionally, you may use our form to submit a tabling request.

Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.

Registering Tabling

Please register your table with the Student Affairs Meeting Services. The information below applies to tabling one table not to exceed 3ft x 8ft, one 10x10 pop-up canopy, and a maximum of 4 chairs. Tables and chairs available first come first served based from ASSU.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is tabling?

Tabling is broadly described for the purposes of these guidelines as a method of sharing information by setting up a table or other physical structure such as a sign or canopy in White Plaza in order to distribute materials, display materials, or otherwise share information. Tabling activities must comply with all other relevant university policies and guidelines, which are described in detail below.

Who can table in White Plaza? 

Only currently enrolled Stanford students, Stanford student organizations, departments, schools, institutes, and programs are permitted to table. A Tabling Space Request Form must be submitted prior to engaging in tabling. 

All other groups not listed above are restricted from utilizing space in White Plaza and should contact Student Affairs Meeting Services to inquire about the process for requesting and booking available spaces. 

When is tabling permitted?

  • Tabling hours are from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. 
  • Tabling reservations may be requested for up to five consecutive days.
  • Tabling is not permitted at White Plaza during the following events: first day of New Student Orientation, the fall student activities fair, Stanford Career Education events, Reunion Homecoming, Family Weekend, Admit Weekend, Commencement, and other large university-wide events.

Where can students and student organizations secure tables, chairs, and canopies?

Student organizations may check out free tables, chairs, and canopies from ASSU. You may reserve these items in advance by completing this form. Equipment is available on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Tabling Requirements

  1. A Tabling Space Request Form must be submitted prior to engaging in tabling activities in White Plaza.
  2. Reservations for tabling in White Plaza may be requested in increments not to exceed 5 consecutive days. Tabling reservations are approved on a first-come, first-served basis. 
  3. Only one Tabling Space Request Form will be for a group or organization at a time (i.e., the same student organization is not permitted to make multiple simultaneous reservations). 
  4. Specific tabling locations are at the discretion of Student Affairs Meeting Services. Priority will be given to registered events and activities scheduled in White Plaza.  All reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate specific location requests.
  5. Tabling Requirements: 
    1. Each reservation is limited to 1 table not to exceed 3ft x 8ft, one 10 feet x10 feet pop canopy (no tents) and a maximum of 4 chairs.
    2. Tabling is only permitted between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. 
    3. Tabling materials, such as posters or signs, may not extend beyond the sides or more than 1 foot above the table, unless prior authorization has been granted by Student Affairs Meeting Services.
    4. No more than one standing sign, easel, or sandwich board per table is permitted. Requests for additional signage are only permitted with written approval via the Tabling Space Request Form. Free-standing items must be removed and stored between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. 
    5. Any other display materials not on or attached to the tabletop must be behind and within 3 feet of the table. Displays may not extend more than 7 feet high or 3 feet wide. Free-standing items must be removed and stored between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. 
    6. Tabling display materials may not be placed against or attached to any campus structure or natural feature. Structures and natural features include the sides of doors or buildings, fountains, posts, waste receptacles, trees, or stakes.
    7. The sponsoring organization's name must be displayed on each table and item on display, and have a student attend the table the entire time.
  6. All tabling activities must comply with Stanford Administrative Guide Section 1.5.1 Political, Campaign and Lobbying Activities including but not limited to posted policies and restrictions on camping and commercial activities. 
  7. Promotional materials may be put on top or in front of the table. Tabling activities and/or display materials (as described in #5 above) may not block any building entrances, fire lanes, or walkways, or restrict the free flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
  8. Tables or other display materials must be staffed at all times by the reserving party, which must be currently enrolled Stanford students and recognized student organizations, departments, schools, institutes, or programs
  9. Amplified sound is only allowable from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., Monday through Friday. Any request to have amplified sound outside these times must be submitted in advance via the Tabling Space Request Form.

Any request outside the activities listed above likely qualifies as a program or event and must be registered via Cardinal Engage.

FestiFall, 2023. Credit: Anthony Chen/Ethography